Thursday, April 16, 2009

let it flow

Blocked energy results in stagnation. Stagnation can contribute to disease. As part of my personal healing initiative, I promised myself this year to focus on "flow" and to open up all those blocked passages in body and mind.

One result of this is the "primal scream" practice I began a few months ago after moving to a more desolate locale—when I get certain chemical exposures, I find it so healing to open up those airways and let my angst out, as loud as possible. Now that I have few neighbors, and none within screaming distance (I think!??), I feel completely comfortable doing what I never did for the past 42 years of my life.

Another promise I made to myself was to start bellydancing and practicing yoga again. I need to get this body moving, get the juices flowing, and put those stored toxins on an express train outta here.

And when love surprisingly came knocking on my door last year, it brought with it an unexpected opportunity to let my emotions flow more freely. Being in a relationship takes work—especially when both people are disabled and have daily challenges that can create huge amounts of stress. Communication becomes so important, and my honey and I work hard at keeping ours open and unblocked.

Like the spaces in our bodies that can become weighed down and sluggish, so too can our connections to others. Since becoming severely chemically and electrically sensitive, I have been very isolated and have functioned in a dark vacuum for much of the time. In the name of "flow," I am now reaching out to collaborate with others and open up those channels for greater healing.

I started this journal over a year ago but never got back to it. I'm excited to be starting it up again, this time with help from my friends and colleagues. We will be featuring guest bloggers who will post about all things related to the continuum of health, from the point-of-view of the chronically ill patient, physician, healer, and everyday person. So please join me as I join hands with other beautiful beings on a healing path to wholeness!

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