Thursday, April 30, 2009

Recommit. Again and again and again.

I practice recommitment on a monthly, weekly, daily—even moment-to-moment—basis. I also practice forgiveness. I forgive myself for not following through on previous commitments, goals, and self-promises. I let go of recriminations, self-flagellations, self-denigrations and I move on. Every morning I wake up and reassess my goals, because each new day, each new moment, is an opportunity for creation. Creation out of blank-slate nothingness.

For years I have envisioned myself drinking wheatgrass every day, juicing veggies and sprouts every day, practicing yoga and meditating every day. My reality looks a little different. Most days I am at the computer, letting my pc addiction control me and trying to soak up as much person-to-person energy as one can squeeze through the airways since I have a chronic illness that severely isolates me. Every night I imagine I will practice yoga the next morning. I will put some distance between me and the pc. I will create a life that fills me.

As many of you probably know firsthand, it's just not that simple. But I don't give up. Ever. I keep re-imagining this life, keep recommitting to my vision. I take baby steps. I drink wheatgrass 4 days a week. I juice a few days. I stretch my body daily. And I never give up my dream. I keep striving toward the light. Because that is all I have to hold onto.

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